Network Working Group R. Barnes
Internet-Draft Cisco
Intended status: Informational K. Bhargavan
Expires: May 7, 2020 Inria
November 04, 2019

Hybrid Public Key Encryption


This document describes a scheme for hybrid public-key encryption (HPKE). This scheme provides authenticated public key encryption of arbitrary-sized plaintexts for a recipient public key. HPKE works for any combination of an asymmetric key encapsulation mechanism (KEM), key derivation function (KDF), and authenticated encryption with additional data (AEAD) encryption function. We provide instantiations of the scheme using widely-used and efficient primitives.

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This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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This Internet-Draft will expire on May 7, 2020.

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

“Hybrid” public-key encryption schemes (HPKE) that combine asymmetric and symmetric algorithms are a substantially more efficient solution than traditional public key encryption techniques such as those based on RSA or ElGamal. Encrypted messages convey a single ciphertext and authentication tag alongside a short public key, which may be further compressed. The key size and computational complexity of elliptic curve cryptographic primitives for authenticated encryption therefore make it compelling for a variety of use cases. This type of public key encryption has many applications in practice, for example:

Currently, there are numerous competing and non-interoperable standards and variants for hybrid encryption, including ANSI X9.63 [ANSI], IEEE 1363a [IEEE], ISO/IEC 18033-2 [ISO], and SECG SEC 1 [SECG]. All of these existing schemes have problems, e.g., because they rely on outdated primitives, lack proofs of IND-CCA2 security, or fail to provide test vectors.

This document defines an HPKE scheme that provides a subset of the functions provided by the collection of schemes above, but specified with sufficient clarity that they can be interoperably implemented and formally verified.

2. Requirements Notation

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

3. Security Properties

As a hybrid authentication encryption algorithm, we desire security against (adaptive) chosen ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA2 secure). The HPKE variants described in this document achieve this property under the Random Oracle model assuming the gap Computational Diffie Hellman (CDH) problem is hard [S01].

[[ TODO - Provide citations to these proofs once they exist ]]

4. Notation

The following terms are used throughout this document to describe the operations, roles, and behaviors of HPKE:

5. Cryptographic Dependencies

HPKE variants rely on the following primitives:

A set of algorithm identifiers for concrete instantiations of these primitives is provided in Section 8. Algorithm identifier values are two octets long.

5.1. DH-Based KEM

Suppose we are given a Diffie-Hellman group that provides the following operations:

Then we can construct a KEM (which we’ll call “DHKEM”) in the following way:

def Encap(pkR):
  skE, pkE = GenerateKeyPair()
  zz = DH(skE, pkR)
  enc = Marshal(pkE)
  return zz, enc

def Decap(enc, skR):
  pkE = Unmarshal(enc)
  return DH(skR, pkE)

def AuthEncap(pkR, skI):
  skE, pkE = GenerateKeyPair()
  zz = concat(DH(skE, pkR), DH(skI, pkR))
  enc = Marshal(pkE)
  return zz, enc

def AuthDecap(enc, skR, pkI):
  pkE = Unmarshal(enc)
  return concat(DH(skR, pkE), DH(skR, pkI))

The GenerateKeyPair, Marshal, and Unmarshal functions are the same as for the underlying DH group. The Marshal functions for the curves referenced in {#ciphersuites} are as follows:

6. Hybrid Public Key Encryption

In this section, we define a few HPKE variants. All variants take a recipient public key and a sequence of plaintexts pt, and produce an encapsulated key enc and a sequence of ciphertexts ct. These outputs are constructed so that only the holder of the private key corresponding to pkR can decapsulate the key from enc and decrypt the ciphertexts. All of the algorithms also take an info parameter that can be used to influence the generation of keys (e.g., to fold in identity information) and an aad parameter that provides Additional Authenticated Data to the AEAD algorithm in use.

In addition to the base case of encrypting to a public key, we include two authenticated variants, one of which authenticates possession of a pre-shared key, and one of which authenticates possession of a KEM private key. The following one-octet values will be used to distinguish between modes:

Mode Value
mode_base 0x00
mode_psk 0x01
mode_auth 0x02
mode_psk_auth 0x03

All of these cases follow the same basic two-step pattern:

  1. Set up an encryption context that is shared between the sender and the recipient
  2. Use that context to encrypt or decrypt content

A “context” encodes the AEAD algorithm and key in use, and manages the nonces used so that the same nonce is not used with multiple plaintexts.

The procedures described in this session are laid out in a Python-like pseudocode. The algorithms in use are left implicit.

6.1. Creating an Encryption Context

The variants of HPKE defined in this document share a common mechanism for translating the protocol inputs into an encryption context. The key schedule inputs are as follows:

The psk and pskID fields MUST appear together or not at all. That is, if a non-default value is provided for one of them, then the other MUST be set to a non-default value.

The key and nonce computed by this algorithm have the property that they are only known to the holder of the receipient private key, and the party that ran the KEM to generate zz and enc. If the psk and pskID arguments are provided, then the recipient is assured that the initiator held the PSK. If the pkIm argument is provided, then the recipient is assued that the initator held the corresponding private key (assuming that zz and enc were generated using the AuthEncap / AuthDecap methods; see below).

The HPKE algorithm identifiers, i.e., the KEM kem_id, KDF kdf_id, and AEAD aead_id 2-octet code points, are assumed implicit from the implementation and not passed as parameters.

default_pkIm = zero(Npk)
default_psk = zero(Nh)
default_pskID = zero(0)

def VerifyMode(mode, psk, pskID, pkIm):
  got_psk = (psk != default_psk and pskID != default_pskID)
  no_psk = (psk == default_psk and pskID == default_pskID)
  got_pkIm = (pkIm != default_pkIm)
  no_pkIm = (pkIm == default_pkIm)

  if mode == mode_base and (got_psk or got_pkIm):
    raise Exception("Invalid configuration for mode_base")
  if mode == mode_psk and (no_psk or got_pkIm):
    raise Exception("Invalid configuration for mode_psk")
  if mode == mode_auth and (got_psk or no_pkIm):
    raise Exception("Invalid configuration for mode_auth")
  if mode == mode_psk_auth and (no_psk or no_pkIm):
    raise Exception("Invalid configuration for mode_psk_auth")

def KeySchedule(mode, pkRm, zz, enc, info, psk, pskID, pkIm):
  VerifyMode(mode, psk, pskID, pkI)

  pkRm = Marshal(pkR)
  ciphersuite = concat(kem_id, kdf_id, aead_id)
  pskID_hash = Hash(pskID)
  info_hash = Hash(info)
  context = concat(mode, ciphersuite, enc, pkRm, pkIm, pskID_hash, info_hash)

  secret = Extract(psk, zz)
  key = Expand(secret, concat("hpke key", context), Nk)
  nonce = Expand(secret, concat("hpke nonce", context), Nn)
  return Context(key, nonce)

Note that the context construction in the KeySchedule procedure is equivalent to serializing a structure of the following form in the TLS presentation syntax:

struct {
    // Mode and algorithms
    uint8 mode;
    uint16 kem_id;
    uint16 kdf_id;
    uint16 aead_id;

    // Public inputs to this key exchange
    opaque enc[Nenc];
    opaque pkR[Npk];
    opaque pkI[Npk];

    // Cryptographic hash of application-supplied pskID
    opaque pskID_hash[Nh];

    // Cryptographic hash of application-supplied info
    opaque info_hash[Nh];
} HPKEContext;

6.2. Encryption to a Public Key

The most basic function of an HPKE scheme is to enable encryption for the holder of a given KEM private key. The SetupBaseI() and SetupBaseR() procedures establish contexts that can be used to encrypt and decrypt, respectively, for a given private key.

The shared secret produced by the KEM is combined via the KDF with information describing the key exchange, as well as the explicit info parameter provided by the caller.

def SetupBaseI(pkR, info):
  zz, enc = Encap(pkR)
  return enc, KeySchedule(mode_base, pkR, zz, enc, info,
                          default_psk, default_pskID, default_pkIm)

def SetupBaseR(enc, skR, info):
  zz = Decap(enc, skR)
  return KeySchedule(mode_base, pk(skR), zz, enc, info,
                     default_psk, default_pskID, default_pkIm)

6.3. Authentication using a Pre-Shared Key

This variant extends the base mechansism by allowing the recipient to authenticate that the sender possessed a given pre-shared key (PSK). We assume that both parties have been provisioned with both the PSK value psk and another octet string pskID that is used to identify which PSK should be used.

The primary differences from the base case are:

This mechanism is not suitable for use with a low-entropy password as the PSK. A malicious recipient that does not possess the PSK can use decryption of a plaintext as an oracle for performing offline dictionary attacks.

def SetupPSKI(pkR, info, psk, pskID):
  zz, enc = Encap(pkR)
  return enc, KeySchedule(mode_psk, pkR, zz, enc, info,
                          psk, pskId, default_pkIm)

def SetupPSKR(enc, skR, info, psk, pskID):
  zz = Decap(enc, skR)
  return KeySchedule(mode_psk, pk(skR), zz, enc, info,
                     psk, pskId, default_pkIm)

6.4. Authentication using an Asymmetric Key

This variant extends the base mechansism by allowing the recipient to authenticate that the sender possessed a given KEM private key. This assurance is based on the assumption that AuthDecap(enc, skR, pkI) produces the correct shared secret only if the encapsulated value enc was produced by AuthEncap(pkR, skI), where skI is the private key corresponding to pkI. In other words, only two people could have produced this secret, so if the recipient is one, then the sender must be the other.

The primary differences from the base case are:

Obviously, this variant can only be used with a KEM that provides AuthEncap() and AuthDecap() procuedures.

This mechanism authenticates only the key pair of the initiator, not any other identity. If an application wishes to authenticate some other identity for the sender (e.g., an email address or domain name), then this identity should be included in the info parameter to avoid unknown key share attacks.

def SetupAuthI(pkR, info, skI):
  zz, enc = AuthEncap(pkR, skI)
  pkIm = Marshal(pk(skI))
  return enc, KeySchedule(mode_auth, pkR, zz, enc, info,
                          default_psk, default_pskID, pkIm)

def SetupAuthR(enc, skR, info, pkI):
  zz = AuthDecap(enc, skR, pkI)
  pkIm = Marshal(pkI)
  return KeySchedule(mode_auth, pk(skR), zz, enc, info,
                     default_psk, default_pskID, pkIm)

6.5. Authentication using both a PSK and an Asymmetric Key

This mode is a straightforward combination of the PSK and authenticated modes. The PSK is passed through to the key schedule as in the former, and as in the latter, we use the authenticated KEM variants.

def SetupAuthPSKI(pkR, info, psk, pskID, skI):
  zz, enc = AuthEncap(pkR, skI)
  pkIm = Marshal(pk(skI))
  return enc, KeySchedule(mode_psk_auth, pkR, zz, enc, info,
                          psk, pskID, pkIm)

def SetupAuthPSKR(enc, skR, info, psk, pskID, pkI):
  zz = AuthDecap(enc, skR, pkI)
  pkIm = Marshal(pkI)
  return KeySchedule(mode_psk_auth, pk(skR), zz, enc, info,
                     psk, pskID, pkIm)

6.6. Encryption and Decryption

HPKE allows multiple encryption operations to be done based on a given setup transaction. Since the public-key operations involved in setup are typically more expensive than symmetric encryption or decryption, this allows applications to “amortize” the cost of the public-key operations, reducing the overall overhead.

In order to avoid nonce reuse, however, this decryption must be stateful. Each of the setup procedures above produces a context object that stores the required state:

All of these fields except the sequence number are constant. The sequence number is used to provide nonce uniqueness: The nonce used for each encryption or decryption operation is the result of XORing the base nonce with the current sequence number, encoded as a big-endian integer of the same length as the nonce. Implementations MAY use a sequence number that is shorter than the nonce (padding on the left with zero), but MUST return an error if the sequence number overflows.

Each encryption or decryption operation increments the sequence number for the context in use. A given context SHOULD be used either only for encryption or only for decryption.

It is up to the application to ensure that encryptions and decryptions are done in the proper sequence, so that the nonce values used for encryption and decryption line up.

[[ TODO: Check for overflow, a la TLS ]]
def Context.Nonce(seq):
  encSeq = encode_big_endian(seq, len(self.nonce))
  return xor(self.nonce, encSeq)

def Context.Seal(aad, pt):
  ct = Seal(self.key, self.Nonce(self.seq), aad, pt)
  self.seq += 1
  return ct

def Context.Open(aad, ct):
  pt = Open(self.key, self.Nonce(self.seq), aad, ct)
  if pt == OpenError:
    return OpenError
  self.seq += 1
  return pt

7. Single-Shot APIs

In many cases, applications encrypt only a single message to a recipient’s public key. This section provides templates for HPKE APIs that implement “single-shot” encryption and decryption using APIs specified in Section 6.2 and Section 6.6:

def Seal<MODE>(pkR, info, aad, pt, ...):
  enc, ctx = Setup<MODE>I(pkR, info, ...)
  ct = ctx.Seal(aad, pt)
  return enc, ct

def Open<MODE>(enc, skR, info, aad, ct, ...):
  ctx = Setup<MODE>R(enc, skR, info, ...)
  return ctx.Open(aad, ct)

The MODE template parameter is one of Base, PSK, Auth, or AuthPSK. The optional parameters indicated by “…”” depend on MODE and may be empty. SetupBase, for example, has no additional parameters. Thus, SealAuthPSK and OpenAuthPSK would be implemented as follows:

def SealAuthPSK(pkR, info, aad, pt, psk, pskID, skI):
  enc, ctx = SetupAuthPSKI(pkR, info, psk, pskID, skI)
  ct = ctx.Seal(aad, pt)
  return enc, ct

def OpenAuthPSK(enc, skR, info, aad, ct, psk, pskID, pkI):
  ctx = SetupAuthPSKR(enc, skR, info, psk, pskID, pkI)
  return ctx.Open(aad, ct)

8. Algorithm Identifiers

8.1. Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs)

Value KEM Nenc Npk Reference
0x0000 (reserved) N/A N/A N/A
0x0001 DHKEM(P-256) 32 32 [NISTCurves]
0x0002 DHKEM(Curve25519) 32 32 [RFC7748]
0x0003 DHKEM(P-521) 65 65 [NISTCurves]
0x0004 DHKEM(Curve448) 56 56 [RFC7748]

For the NIST curves P-256 and P-521, the Marshal function of the DH scheme produces the normal (non-compressed) representation of the public key, according to [SECG]. When these curves are used, the recipient of an HPKE ciphertext MUST validate that the ephemeral public key pkE is on the curve. The relevant validation procedures are defined in [keyagreement]

For the CFRG curves Curve25519 and Curve448, the Marshal function is the identity function, since these curves already use fixed-length octet strings for public keys.

8.2. Key Derivation Functions (KDFs)

Value KDF Nh Reference
0x0000 (reserved) N/A N/A
0x0001 HKDF-SHA256 32 [RFC5869]
0x0002 HKDF-SHA512 64 [RFC5869]

8.3. Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) Functions

Value AEAD Nk Nn Reference
0x0000 (reserved) N/A N/A N/A
0x0001 AES-GCM-128 16 12 [GCM]
0x0002 AES-GCM-256 32 12 [GCM]
0x0003 ChaCha20Poly1305 32 12 [RFC8439]

9. Security Considerations

[[ TODO ]]

10. Message Encoding

This document does not specify a wire format encoding for HPKE messages. Applications that adopt HPKE must therefore specify an unambiguous encoding mechanism which includes, minimally: the encapsulated value enc, ciphertext value(s) (and order if there are multiple), and any info values that are not implicit.

11. IANA Considerations

This document requests the creation of three new IANA registries:

All of these registries should be under a heading of “Hybrid Public Key Encryption”, and administered under a Specification Required policy [RFC8126]

11.1. KEM Identifiers

The “HPKE KEM Identifiers” registry lists identifiers for key encapsulation algorithms defined for use with HPKE. These are two-byte values, so the maximum possible value is 0xFFFF = 65535.


Initial contents: Provided in Section 8.1

11.2. KDF Identifiers

The “HPKE KDF Identifiers” registry lists identifiers for key derivation functions defined for use with HPKE. These are two-byte values, so the maximum possible value is 0xFFFF = 65535.


Initial contents: Provided in Section 8.2

11.3. AEAD Identifiers

The “HPKE AEAD Identifiers” registry lists identifiers for authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) algorithms defined for use with HPKE. These are two-byte values, so the maximum possible value is 0xFFFF = 65535.


Initial contents: Provided in Section 8.3

12. References

12.1. Normative References

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997.
[RFC5116] McGrew, D., "An Interface and Algorithms for Authenticated Encryption", RFC 5116, DOI 10.17487/RFC5116, January 2008.
[RFC8126] Cotton, M., Leiba, B. and T. Narten, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 8126, DOI 10.17487/RFC8126, June 2017.
[RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017.

12.2. Informative References

[ANSI] "Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry -- Key Agreement and Key Transport Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography", n.d..
[fiveG] "Security architecture and procedures for 5G System", n.d..
[GCM] Dworkin, M., "Recommendation for block cipher modes of operation :", National Institute of Standards and Technology report, DOI 10.6028/nist.sp.800-38d, 2007.
[I-D.ietf-mls-protocol] Barnes, R., Beurdouche, B., Millican, J., Omara, E., Cohn-Gordon, K. and R. Robert, "The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Protocol", Internet-Draft draft-ietf-mls-protocol-07, July 2019.
[I-D.ietf-tls-esni] Rescorla, E., Oku, K., Sullivan, N. and C. Wood, "Encrypted Server Name Indication for TLS 1.3", Internet-Draft draft-ietf-tls-esni-04, July 2019.
[IEEE] "IEEE 1363a, Standard Specifications for Public Key Cryptography - Amendment 1 -- Additional Techniques", n.d..
[ISO] "ISO/IEC 18033-2, Information Technology - Security Techniques - Encryption Algorithms - Part 2 -- Asymmetric Ciphers", n.d..
[keyagreement] Barker, E., Chen, L., Roginsky, A. and M. Smid, "Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography", National Institute of Standards and Technology report, DOI 10.6028/nist.sp.800-56ar2, May 2013.
[MAEA10] "A Comparison of the Standardized Versions of ECIES", n.d..
[NISTCurves] "Digital Signature Standard (DSS)", National Institute of Standards and Technology report, DOI 10.6028/nist.fips.186-4, July 2013.
[RFC5869] Krawczyk, H. and P. Eronen, "HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF)", RFC 5869, DOI 10.17487/RFC5869, May 2010.
[RFC6637] Jivsov, A., "Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) in OpenPGP", RFC 6637, DOI 10.17487/RFC6637, June 2012.
[RFC7748] Langley, A., Hamburg, M. and S. Turner, "Elliptic Curves for Security", RFC 7748, DOI 10.17487/RFC7748, January 2016.
[RFC8439] Nir, Y. and A. Langley, "ChaCha20 and Poly1305 for IETF Protocols", RFC 8439, DOI 10.17487/RFC8439, June 2018.
[S01] "A Proposal for an ISO Standard for Public Key Encryption (verison 2.1)", n.d..
[SECG] "Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group, ver. 2", n.d..
[TestVectors] "HPKE Test Vectors", n.d..

Appendix A. Test Vectors

These test vectors are also available in JSON format at [TestVectors].

A.1. DHKEM(P-256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

A.1.1. Base Setup Information

mode: 0
kemID: 1
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 3
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: 52c35c751dfc5234c08915cd819bb101de551e73377168450a93fcdfc85f69a4
skI: 89e112c2c801fa2f5f9ab81e9537bc2a9184f1c7e91763025b9914f46fee7bce
skE: 26d476593ddebc0e028d585bcb8bc2567212add5727a4b1788998098fa241640
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 36efe961ada191d9327317c77a04509f9e0039f4cb9295b71a99591547b5822d
pkI: aa10cc9706de8c42b6cb107943d7019e486f128fac3e0093888ce9dc6946b56b
pkE: d94c4e4965313e32417706daf275a8177ff02ec3944289cfe08bb785fcb06535
enc: d94c4e4965313e32417706daf275a8177ff02ec3944289cfe08bb785fcb06535
zz: 2af66f3ac72e0ea5bdabf4535cf214fa419722ca770d4dc4b50d9cdf98d9bc03
context: 00000100010003d94c4e4965313e32417706daf275a8177ff02ec3944289cfe
secret: 5d8ddb224e17e5def17466d25c84b5859c3952eb162db833aada3c6a31141edc
key: 3539b4782f8406e89a8938c04ecab55904972e4824a4e7765145ea1c6e0e639c
nonce: 564a1233316a27c88b525e00

A.1.1.1. Encryptions

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
nonce: 564a1233316a27c88b525e00
ciphertext: 0a4663a24385c26df033735981339a67d0c9177d79e884c2bad997b537a3

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
nonce: 564a1233316a27c88b525e01
ciphertext: 23fdfa43ccf4dac6023109f96992aced43bc3ec55f13bec6eb410c442d40

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
nonce: 564a1233316a27c88b525e02
ciphertext: 2946d753a3f33b5331252744e9142cff4f952c05f801755f75962c463013

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
nonce: 564a1233316a27c88b525e04
ciphertext: 95eef5fbb968353a89e62df841180bca764a703f1d3c9ad567799af9c23b

A.2. DHKEM(P-256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

A.2.1. PSK Setup Information

mode: 1
kemID: 1
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 3
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: dcfb864fa0621fd2fa2503eb59ea6697a688d287ebf186397140c20ca377e19d
skI: 252be9a871e9557ac4eb98d8ef7099853010cc12a8ee235298d87303f72ac627
skE: 923669b3b6d6bc42b0869990698489e491096c63ec44627ecd956c8367cf9b66
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: d452e65ed769df5e7510917377786f823396b3482b904a21c54907963b09ee70
pkI: f55f917bc5fed0c1941ff01c8d4af4d9afd24aae784f3c4456eb8e5e88906210
pkE: a391b2db73ec4a0d16fcd19ab101a105f38f46d241be92f2c14c2cf14455d44c
enc: a391b2db73ec4a0d16fcd19ab101a105f38f46d241be92f2c14c2cf14455d44c
zz: 8ae12384a807b4fb2d831f59b4a7ca47ae6e20807a10375dcd53a87377f6333e
context: 01000100010003a391b2db73ec4a0d16fcd19ab101a105f38f46d241be92f2c
secret: e1b27041a309f61291b8bc19b28e5ca933ce4e9f41a512697dee4e74fe9c35c3
key: c129d72828e86a8837d5324c66b4b899bb75a8cccdcd9748a10cfdd072c51ea1
nonce: a9afe7dae4a0cae8d2ae55fc

A.2.1.1. Encryptions

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
nonce: a9afe7dae4a0cae8d2ae55fc
ciphertext: 007b8f8d80aad47d6f00bfd08016edb253089f383575b746c1b572cdc31e

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
nonce: a9afe7dae4a0cae8d2ae55fd
ciphertext: 21132f6191883b3a2527dfa06e76509532140e1d292dee19fe0736c07c3c

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
nonce: a9afe7dae4a0cae8d2ae55fe
ciphertext: 6634023b7fad0a5fc3e0c80635bcaf4d55f3dd0e8962a9994865175e6225

sequence number: 4
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aad: 436f756e742d34
nonce: a9afe7dae4a0cae8d2ae55f8
ciphertext: 3c825fe43b32e97f5897a26d216902b480ed158595c0878b445ec7ca821a

A.3. DHKEM(P-256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

A.3.1. Auth Setup Information

mode: 2
kemID: 1
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 3
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: 001a3727bf51c439a536f56777a3b44e6bb5f930ccab0bd2ddeae41792cafe54
skI: d586635b9dbd6bc1fad686e9a7cd3850c45bc941e302d15f1a39764705d8c131
skE: 6e506ff15d1eecfc8ac842141fc47073f3b84249c08b3ace21fda7e6c0d28ea9
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 275157e7fca8b456c7d46c338fbc29820934c136b77ffdfbd1065f3be53b3d58
pkI: 11b9264691855bcd42dd83650a98fdf5452cff6ab02d544d21350e7c980cf84c
pkE: a95181c9b5c2cd6b698e1dc5ff0224b07b4310d0104c93e8a9f8ab0b51194d5c
enc: a95181c9b5c2cd6b698e1dc5ff0224b07b4310d0104c93e8a9f8ab0b51194d5c
zz: 25045c1cf5d0aac89c91f01ede92dc865176377a19ea76ecccc85a491e345136e205
context: 02000100010003a95181c9b5c2cd6b698e1dc5ff0224b07b4310d0104c93e8a
secret: b5f5053d4b59fdc11b408e605159040c9f811069285c0ad6bd9b192c9149d9b0
key: 64ff57edb470b5c1159070783353e9e3bee30d3a541ca80db8f48f358016e73b
nonce: 3b2a156b859b66080b2c7aaa

A.3.1.1. Encryptions

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
nonce: 3b2a156b859b66080b2c7aaa
ciphertext: ccdfff2f9bc186b9bb9f70101dec6af0a8d8e459fc668ccc2621bdbbf540

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
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ciphertext: 2335befdca9bbca95b379e1c217dd2e51277922351bc0094ecc16d9cd9a0

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
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ciphertext: 02b57dae23e9021e5696cbbfa263d518c090434c962b64fcb28529a31e04

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
nonce: 3b2a156b859b66080b2c7aae
ciphertext: 5509f4be3541faecfe54f5798728e99086505f13045e3078dcfd9ed51145

A.4. DHKEM(P-256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

A.4.1. AuthPSK Setup Information

mode: 3
kemID: 1
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 3
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: a351b736c063b8c7ce267502c60163cd1520e9017f51fec08d7bd4aafddb4d18
skI: 52c643314f4002323b5dfed2930879b2500e26720d1e032a8441570db6fe6a27
skE: 88cb72cc3a97a52298730704bb1a21ab351bd53b26ade9801d24d8956ed1e073
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 20f504f57c1a26364c34cb0cf76652ed6cfbd2f53b632094dcc8fc5c9cbdb447
pkI: 1fcdd165ed3308c78503795c62cbb7744157296ae38e75d12132cf046db77b3c
pkE: e5dc6885b8937cd7757d793056ec088c6c4f23664b1447cddc75faa6fda4220d
enc: e5dc6885b8937cd7757d793056ec088c6c4f23664b1447cddc75faa6fda4220d
zz: 97a1e67d462b910cb7fbfc2f47b41468c53f9c42acfa1ffde96c15dc44835f45c7b4
context: 03000100010003e5dc6885b8937cd7757d793056ec088c6c4f23664b1447cdd
secret: 11a27001c204196ea0fdcab4661d8489110b96b53affa32e999a8021a8cccc44
key: a7751c97a3e447653a93df7dbd015a989c142556db2d46fc9b215500d850af3c
nonce: aa48d361cb83e5616c17e878

A.4.1.1. Encryptions

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
nonce: aa48d361cb83e5616c17e878
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sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
nonce: aa48d361cb83e5616c17e879
ciphertext: 77a69a25b544c8cafb360f51369422c0a128a81958a0f977b67eb4347f97

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
nonce: aa48d361cb83e5616c17e87a
ciphertext: 578097c8434c45fcfa579b2c0bc7f429949cd8224d2ef803a5f35956b410

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
nonce: aa48d361cb83e5616c17e87c
ciphertext: d4a3b5e8f3ced951a6740152ff4fd59b59fd28077f241e92c8a9d937908e

A.5. DHKEM(Curve25519), HKDF-SHA256, AES-GCM-128

A.5.1. AuthPSK Setup Information

mode: 3
kemID: 2
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 1
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: 761a7649a4f2d544041e9c0b0a5b21b17c50f620b0f0f0f6be379d06e9cc03b0eb9
skI: 00dc8c9f25f4a8e37d8b9c4c128b0418b56588ef22d3ed923517d50ef2f6002ed4c
skE: 74f6d921192c57575bcc035a528accb5a6cf0b14c843c0eed7ad2ac7eb4130234e8
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: a48085d97d77fd2fd9f40e7e15244cb1c86a588de779e09313190f1a6f421d3b44f
pkI: 7a49877950822efe7b98192a4570cbaa0ed56e74503ea5392f8a0610ccc2b44560d
pkE: 7fe48abb457c6eea9adfbabf0e00d2cd9d39bca29a6b71e5a402fedae49bcd13ee2
enc: 7fe48abb457c6eea9adfbabf0e00d2cd9d39bca29a6b71e5a402fedae49bcd13ee2
zz: 588066a93d965e4603bef980cc537f297ed78f968972db01b22293a08db7ebddf0ba
context: 030002000100017fe48abb457c6eea9adfbabf0e00d2cd9d39bca29a6b71e5a
secret: f4bf05f0d79ef456265e779a2ae6189cfb79fc9f44e21abdf66c4429fcb6386d
key: 07812dd5841687f5d874b25ad34512a8
nonce: 07e9c742808709ee42e8e2db

A.5.1.1. Encryptions

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
nonce: 07e9c742808709ee42e8e2db
ciphertext: 4b90fbbec45da6db8d1ca7495a20b20f2b2e75baeef235ba9964fe786afa

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
nonce: 07e9c742808709ee42e8e2da
ciphertext: 80782ff6020220603c7903aa40273e361fbb9d9f839ae328142160c14e55

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
nonce: 07e9c742808709ee42e8e2d9
ciphertext: 268bccd2cb9e5801b83a7ed2cd17a3fc4fbc7f13f83938c53a5501de2edf

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
nonce: 07e9c742808709ee42e8e2df
ciphertext: 6da0f4abbdf81cfb828c2e996bf4bc6ef8ce4aab8d8b449d00fa1136076b

A.6. DHKEM(Curve25519), HKDF-SHA256, AES-GCM-128

A.6.1. Base Setup Information

mode: 0
kemID: 2
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 1
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: c2ff8ebf27a7c216aaef69e6df8e8ea0499dede7c2f1e9c3285c0dbab016e8fe012
skI: cfeb3fdcd27170b8d1737024ef962b08c5ef08a64598c974b6cf29bdfd27b430efc
skE: b271caee10cfc57210246f4bccddb164efbf5987f036ce86ebb9adef8f2f4de2772
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 130240c653ffd47b450ead456bfe2ffcefa3cb994127ee3b956e639a1c598aea33d
pkI: 0254b53e2c0d7fb542be2976ae4cc36151d5aa158dbb820f10514397db0a7764b1b
pkE: 609f6d88f7d666c05ab3b227d9cee9785d6b3bb84db38bcb27252f3fc247b8ef9f5
enc: 609f6d88f7d666c05ab3b227d9cee9785d6b3bb84db38bcb27252f3fc247b8ef9f5
zz: 3fbd8e680fdd883813cc22743eec42d68882a14534099133c74ba99ca17ff574c090
context: 00000200010001609f6d88f7d666c05ab3b227d9cee9785d6b3bb84db38bcb2
secret: ea4890f434398f3dab9689597e13367893db043eade9d2e26168969d6681b2b7
key: 64a7134ced54e7c12f0f29f6694dd454
nonce: 9d320a6d7e64e70cd0049300

A.6.1.1. Encryptions

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
nonce: 9d320a6d7e64e70cd0049300
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sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
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sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
nonce: 9d320a6d7e64e70cd0049302
ciphertext: 9a54c080ce6869b45e341a8674ac0200f7229b5fd191195c4383b902ff77

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
nonce: 9d320a6d7e64e70cd0049304
ciphertext: a7846b2b7bce9938e0c2cb7f08c9dd785b0a36e8f3479f780609b6740715

A.7. DHKEM(Curve25519), HKDF-SHA256, AES-GCM-128

A.7.1. PSK Setup Information

mode: 1
kemID: 2
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 1
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: 885ac6a90c62d9e321a911e910464b1a3c559f02ad1d3539a0e1887f2583b632fd4
skI: bd135e910763604691fc86a76487b2477ec3c9450c06b6a4657fff00c0467aada6a
skE: 982fbcd7f1546fe5b887fafaf43be898523b35d487ab89e2d38f6da9481b04b96e8
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 2affe562e4d391693111503c8623e2c14b262a6a0888bab8d375f4f548f9434c54e
pkI: 23f814d016e8994ee4ab89ffcc326810ceb57aaafa5c50e2d642ffd53ca5b383e45
pkE: e7ed1af6399a724c56a107e5de47b9e078bf6f6e2fa5ae49755793c366c0b6da060
enc: e7ed1af6399a724c56a107e5de47b9e078bf6f6e2fa5ae49755793c366c0b6da060
zz: f5fba4938687c4e111adde8f57e7df91de83095a8174908072aa6ec0bc23193c217c
context: 01000200010001e7ed1af6399a724c56a107e5de47b9e078bf6f6e2fa5ae497
secret: f5331d04b242473371650b149609a72a927208b3e7b70f11928664293437cc70
key: 3a4fc7cbff082518a71497c4984114f8
nonce: 2f5450a77c41c5fbf350b588

A.7.1.1. Encryptions

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
nonce: 2f5450a77c41c5fbf350b588
ciphertext: fb3ccc2a6a044bdb300d49f1d4846f717b3635d5d4cb1a470bc5125c7f54

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
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sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
nonce: 2f5450a77c41c5fbf350b58a
ciphertext: 21a4906ea82622f499609dea9cf4141208be57dd5893ad373fda77db621b

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
nonce: 2f5450a77c41c5fbf350b58c
ciphertext: af937d500799e7965bb4826872640e503ceaea2feb4b6b191e4f15bef38b

A.8. DHKEM(Curve25519), HKDF-SHA256, AES-GCM-128

A.8.1. Auth Setup Information

mode: 2
kemID: 2
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 1
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: 9e80592ee6011c31ceb7a4680f02a02eacb71b59a2d9e34c315c24901e3876223cf
skI: 9aa35e568ff49255ee33d4b6d6ba44ae2750f476c42139184f784e1cdcd8845022b
skE: 350d983c911282901ba1d9079486c46ee14bd119a220264a573c70efb09d1f25ec0
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 20ca731de41d98833df502bced639da3dc7a3ab2ad779807b32fe3e8c60522dbbd1
pkI: 7c40802c09f8c1b77e79db90519e5d509194b89f6187130965b5a0a79f9f4b9f6ab
pkE: cf5f023b6c4515a5aa0a544428fa6697200046ade662f3891d0b13b37f45e331547
enc: cf5f023b6c4515a5aa0a544428fa6697200046ade662f3891d0b13b37f45e331547
zz: 2c86a1eeb5f0c453f2d2d070d0d610f1bae29eb4248511ba71889c0105bad8de81ec
context: 02000200010001cf5f023b6c4515a5aa0a544428fa6697200046ade662f3891
secret: e9d6fd4f27d1db870790cf4d274b6909f52985cfa04a58b191ce87b67ef17912
key: d389ba90853500ee9171641c5c66c497
nonce: 6f5f478828efc9b6d6b7d4a6

A.8.1.1. Encryptions

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
nonce: 6f5f478828efc9b6d6b7d4a6
ciphertext: 673a6802116d206f52d83ef246d973405644ccdb8c20a5b37f643ae4fa83

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
nonce: 6f5f478828efc9b6d6b7d4a7
ciphertext: 378958a8c31f189959a170f0157eabcf39bc6e4e89135fdf13c14fbd0545

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
nonce: 6f5f478828efc9b6d6b7d4a4
ciphertext: 23d2e25e5ebac0c026c25e5073b6c26deba7dbdc834c40df2d72b4c5e27f

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
nonce: 6f5f478828efc9b6d6b7d4a2
ciphertext: 341d4276f22509a990cd42cf30916d388e2990f46931cbea3777f5f1126b

A.9. DHKEM(P-521), HKDF-SHA512, AES-GCM-256

A.9.1. Base Setup Information

mode: 0
kemID: 3
kdfID: 2
aeadID: 2
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: 15720150fdc70e202db0956306b423db726b56c3320351d0f76ee1c8a1e820f2
skI: fca1778fde831a4c54d99b0e94cf628d2f4feb8622ccfa48de72996c68e0b2a8
skE: ab7994440d264007a2a1afc1864dd8db747d442829ea30749d1e118310fd1ccd
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 04df33a4ae755005d0b210de3dbd2e74414b8244516fdb0e4909a64833feb8f4f16
pkI: 04bfee09860a8fccfdb126f63134aa5110b24c46d3d41b88a1f46b2b468c7c3786e
pkE: 040dc51b668e178a1d08a271b15f3eef6e52bff842a401e40a3f419a678a82893a3
enc: 040dc51b668e178a1d08a271b15f3eef6e52bff842a401e40a3f419a678a82893a3
zz: f0c1b41ab1f08d0ae60a01f90753ba726db187c9e86dd2d13ff6068e2f0a15a7
context: 00000300020002040dc51b668e178a1d08a271b15f3eef6e52bff842a401e40
secret: 7c8c575f12f28450dc3a30bd99879e54e194c39109dc15956b5562e6e1aa3628
key: d94aeb074804cce1550b5d93aff2cc5ef61cc057f3530410e6ad75a32158218a
nonce: e735a50ad34d3f96e99080e0

A.9.1.1. Encryptions

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
nonce: e735a50ad34d3f96e99080e0
ciphertext: dc47edece37f47f230f1d79b5de86b25ea27d7e18df91efb6d88efccaf73

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
nonce: e735a50ad34d3f96e99080e1
ciphertext: 8e42bb9f01ea722a5fb24221a10ab19f53dff653c548ef866e14e791edd0

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
nonce: e735a50ad34d3f96e99080e2
ciphertext: 3a7db4e1e3d6ec5d46c9544f3c659f64bf24511f3b3ada2f6b0c81e0ca3d

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
nonce: e735a50ad34d3f96e99080e4
ciphertext: 9f4e98355810ea87a650e4521d4c0e234909a798af0f692e4bd4996d423c

A.10. DHKEM(P-521), HKDF-SHA512, AES-GCM-256

A.10.1. PSK Setup Information

mode: 1
kemID: 3
kdfID: 2
aeadID: 2
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: df31e865b81e51872ff021f123188ea9f703caaeea9dc6fae26af89a5dd451c2
skI: 45bdb91bfd1009cff37046ef690f59f51968447ce30b8c8586e5ca079e9c8d01
skE: 4da9cd396ed063743f48ef9ae37df12d52f491b32ca450aa09c0cb83506ea06c
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 04f4cc2713eaecac82beb27aa7609b5986355e8dc1df0e788ae9692aebf3bd0096b
pkI: 04e3a33ec7aee1a4c0ec7385e5d0413f36099134a929d03b17bf9cb863c467b2821
pkE: 04af29b75dfe3325bf0ab69cc028d88223561e5c28ad6ecf5b43f6b0c45beb4c6dd
enc: 04af29b75dfe3325bf0ab69cc028d88223561e5c28ad6ecf5b43f6b0c45beb4c6dd
zz: 90b5476ca2fc006713b0b9bb897b3398e28f8e8b2f515402759c73adac45c633
context: 0100030002000204af29b75dfe3325bf0ab69cc028d88223561e5c28ad6ecf5
secret: de997bdce9af8585cc667355840f4834ee476a672b0d2f2c681ccce12e95db22
key: afa0f39b5329014f931ae6290aca25692e87160cb2b04b41b939e3b084a6ba42
nonce: 56e7e5cb2208f2efa5518dc1

A.10.1.1. Encryptions

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
nonce: 56e7e5cb2208f2efa5518dc1
ciphertext: 78741eae8b0a80599b73b8cd17c62e223de6026e927bba1092f2604bde89

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
nonce: 56e7e5cb2208f2efa5518dc0
ciphertext: f1a616461772668be45b76d61875f2a7b66a949c28966cd959452caced0a

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
nonce: 56e7e5cb2208f2efa5518dc3
ciphertext: bd2cb602fe814af8968aff7f674f8612448441ef0761566fde4c784857c4

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
nonce: 56e7e5cb2208f2efa5518dc5
ciphertext: 8be734d034491e079794d0deb991dced08c7862c9128b7c40df9e14fd8e1

A.11. DHKEM(P-521), HKDF-SHA512, AES-GCM-256

A.11.1. Auth Setup Information

mode: 2
kemID: 3
kdfID: 2
aeadID: 2
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: 8dea808e9b7131fd0e8a17dd15e42cc099f117faa548d670efa5e6081f73ce60
skI: fe58f800178f4d5b997d8de6ed5be01067cd8268643617bd9d949d3cb4a877bf
skE: 211b4f599a7339fc7d221aa77db9a1f7cf242661d075e28fabbf7cfbb8e57dff
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 0446410e894ef79edbbdea28bf24b6fcff98db20081c593420b6dcb073d41ec05a1
pkI: 043589359aeb7e0c1e025f7ab289e8e58d0c4b92733d144c7750489cd3ce394fa9c
pkE: 046a82772774745fe8314cf6937130f79874399f109772ba65c7f2ddceb4f7f39a6
enc: 046a82772774745fe8314cf6937130f79874399f109772ba65c7f2ddceb4f7f39a6
zz: b7997963cddf3f4964808ab4b5eb977ce031e8006b03307b8ac6775c4590fde171e8
context: 02000300020002046a82772774745fe8314cf6937130f79874399f109772ba6
secret: 02a461605f7ab25ec85ef87997224b1f6278194e6b1c51f982b4eddb8e5ba7a4
key: 940a93f92fe23971ed7e1c45643325875f1c9e6debdd9673b6a93323e6768d44
nonce: 1845b58e5b1fdf818468e430

A.11.1.1. Encryptions

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
nonce: 1845b58e5b1fdf818468e430
ciphertext: af0830628fb71aff13e657e790c04cfbb98e877380f82fd6a802c3c5a69e

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
nonce: 1845b58e5b1fdf818468e431
ciphertext: 1e57abf0021e46c1a69f71742518174e58a6f2730a42e12716c71206b450

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
nonce: 1845b58e5b1fdf818468e432
ciphertext: a64c22d40e898bec453f4b7d37a2b1b1e03b110beb97ab368dd9ed80590b

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
nonce: 1845b58e5b1fdf818468e434
ciphertext: 1d1e14028dcdfa8558f32f946430989f04656efcbbaae848a06c8ad13c93

A.12. DHKEM(P-521), HKDF-SHA512, AES-GCM-256

A.12.1. AuthPSK Setup Information

mode: 3
kemID: 3
kdfID: 2
aeadID: 2
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: dba96ffa3e49f77d14f5287436a6f18ba9517169221b09b657564c082ec8c75c
skI: 77139a3671704610c683c55390b7e22acce0fed77995ef04fec1ea39fd294510
skE: c3cccf8174f2eba1b8470f8949780fc1326d89792703e67f4c651b9ba9b6b90b
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 04c2137257356e7117aed0dbab5cdb05420624709c5f21f1d1ff574fdb11be766a7
pkI: 040515562bc995d4cc4054a06a1a10ed57e0865bfc9c04f9a2f09754cb4f98cc78f
pkE: 049c76136a1d9fe7e529b54887cc5787fa77b5ed79a344ed18a7eea94385fe9a211
enc: 049c76136a1d9fe7e529b54887cc5787fa77b5ed79a344ed18a7eea94385fe9a211
zz: 146f3be856690d1cb668aa2e6357e76d27fcaeb79e736e1f1523f4783a2a7a5efcd5
context: 03000300020002049c76136a1d9fe7e529b54887cc5787fa77b5ed79a344ed1
secret: 3e67c4eec99e16bf3d0fabe2028570c7be28cb1d295cb53104b627a3a986241d
key: 9b3eef9e9deb5e0f7e2b79a913d58e5df5b7f3f03db6c62d991a041f35f0ecff
nonce: 95e7c32e5fb294b89a3d200a

A.12.1.1. Encryptions

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
nonce: 95e7c32e5fb294b89a3d200a
ciphertext: 97f14cb2285d45e8d366ba480d87adfa584fd04f7bbf84a5c06e52a6d805

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
nonce: 95e7c32e5fb294b89a3d200b
ciphertext: 3fcfd33057227d616da1ab13ddb446926755d2343190d2d72083c622862d

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
nonce: 95e7c32e5fb294b89a3d2008
ciphertext: d3b35551579f228ca7aef5675c48560005d4833a3c313721a0cb65da3651

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
nonce: 95e7c32e5fb294b89a3d200e
ciphertext: 87a8737364a510efdd50f704b45ea0c9c75d3bebc6a1e6ae35c13ad81f8b

Authors' Addresses

Richard L. Barnes Cisco EMail:
Karthik Bhargavan Inria EMail: