Network Working Group R. Barnes
Internet-Draft Cisco
Intended status: Informational K. Bhargavan
Expires: January 5, 2020 Inria
July 04, 2019

Hybrid Public Key Encryption


This document describes a scheme for hybrid public-key encryption (HPKE). This scheme provides authenticated public key encryption of arbitrary-sized plaintexts for a recipient public key. HPKE works for any combination of an asymmetric key encapsulation mechanism (KEM), key derivation function (KDF), and authenticated encryption with additional data (AEAD) encryption function. We provide instantiations of the scheme using widely-used and efficient primitives.

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This Internet-Draft will expire on January 5, 2020.

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

“Hybrid” public-key encryption schemes (HPKE) that combine asymmetric and symmetric algorithms are a substantially more efficient solution than traditional public key encryption techniques such as those based on RSA or ElGamal. Encrypted messages convey a single ciphertext and authentication tag alongside a short public key, which may be further compressed. The key size and computational complexity of elliptic curve cryptographic primitives for authenticated encryption therefore make it compelling for a variety of use cases. This type of public key encryption has many applications in practice, for example:

Currently, there are numerous competing and non-interoperable standards and variants for hybrid encryption, including ANSI X9.63 [ANSI], IEEE 1363a [IEEE], ISO/IEC 18033-2 [ISO], and SECG SEC 1 [SECG]. All of these existing schemes have problems, e.g., because they rely on outdated primitives, lack proofs of IND-CCA2 security, or fail to provide test vectors.

This document defines an HPKE scheme that provides a subset of the functions provided by the collection of schemes above, but specified with sufficient clarity that they can be interoperably implemented and formally verified.

2. Requirements Notation

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

3. Security Properties

As a hybrid authentication encryption algorithm, we desire security against (adaptive) chosen ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA2 secure). The HPKE variants described in this document achieve this property under the Random Oracle model assuming the gap Computational Diffie Hellman (CDH) problem is hard [S01].

[[ TODO - Provide citations to these proofs once they exist ]]

4. Notation

The following terms are used throughout this document to describe the operations, roles, and behaviors of HPKE:

5. Cryptographic Dependencies

HPKE variants rely on the following primitives:

A set of concrete instantiations of these primitives is provided in Section 7. Ciphersuite values are two octets long.

5.1. DH-Based KEM

Suppose we are given a Diffie-Hellman group that provides the following operations:

Then we can construct a KEM (which we’ll call “DHKEM”) in the following way:

def Encap(pkR):
  skE, pkE = GenerateKeyPair()
  zz = DH(skE, pkR)
  enc = Marshal(pkE)
  return zz, enc

def Decap(enc, skR):
  pkE = Unmarshal(enc)
  return DH(skR, pkE)

def AuthEncap(pkR, skI):
  skE, pkE = GenerateKeyPair()
  zz = concat(DH(skE, pkR), DH(skI, pkR))
  enc = Marshal(pkE)
  return zz, enc

def AuthDecap(enc, skR, pkI):
  pkE = Unmarshal(enc)
  return concat(DH(skR, pkE), DH(skR, pkI))

The GenerateKeyPair, Marshal, and Unmarshal functions are the same as for the underlying DH group. The Marshal functions for the curves used in the ciphersuites in {#ciphersuites} are as follows:

6. Hybrid Public Key Encryption

In this section, we define a few HPKE variants. All variants take a recipient public key and a sequence of plaintexts pt, and produce an encapsulated key enc and a sequence of ciphertexts ct. These outputs are constructed so that only the holder of the private key corresponding to pkR can decapsulate the key from enc and decrypt the ciphertexts. All of the algorithms also take an info parameter that can be used to influence the generation of keys (e.g., to fold in identity information) and an aad parameter that provides Additional Authenticated Data to the AEAD algorithm in use.

In addition to the base case of encrypting to a public key, we include two authenticated variants, one of which authenticates possession of a pre-shared key, and one of which authenticates possession of a KEM private key. The following one-octet values will be used to distinguish between modes:

Mode Value
mode_base 0x00
mode_psk 0x01
mode_auth 0x02
mode_psk_auth 0x03

All of these cases follow the same basic two-step pattern:

  1. Set up an encryption context that is shared between the sender and the recipient
  2. Use that context to encrypt or decrypt content

A “context” encodes the AEAD algorithm and key in use, and manages the nonces used so that the same nonce is not used with multiple plaintexts.

The procedures described in this session are laid out in a Python-like pseudocode. The ciphersuite in use is left implicit.

6.1. Creating an Encryption Context

The variants of HPKE defined in this document share a common mechanism for translating the protocol inputs into an encryption context. The key schedule inputs are as follows:

The psk and pskID fields MUST appear together or not at all. That is, if a non-default value is provided for one of them, then the other MUST be set to a non-default value.

The key and nonce computed by this algorithm have the property that they are only known to the holder of the receipient private key, and the party that ran the KEM to generate zz and enc. If the psk and pskID arguments are provided, then the recipient is assured that the initiator held the PSK. If the pkIm argument is provided, then the recipient is assued that the initator held the corresponding private key (assuming that zz and enc were generated using the AuthEncap / AuthDecap methods; see below).

default_pkIm = zero(Npk)
default_psk = zero(Nh)
default_pskId = zero(0)

def VerifyMode(mode, psk, pskID, pkIm):
  got_psk = (psk != default_psk and pskID != default_pskID)
  no_psk = (psk == default_psk and pskID == default_pskID)
  got_pkIm = (pkIm != default_pkIm)
  no_pkIm = (pkIm == default_pkIm)

  if mode == mode_base and (got_psk or got_pkIm):
    raise Exception("Invalid configuration for mode_base")
  if mode == mode_psk and (no_psk or got_pkIm):
    raise Exception("Invalid configuration for mode_psk")
  if mode == mode_auth and (got_psk or no_pkIm):
    raise Exception("Invalid configuration for mode_auth")
  if mode == mode_psk_auth and (no_psk or no_pkIm):
    raise Exception("Invalid configuration for mode_psk_auth")

def EncryptionContext(mode, pkRm, zz, enc, info, psk, pskID, pkIm):
  VerifyMode(mode, psk, pskID, pkI)

  pkRm = Marshal(pkR)
  context = concat(mode, ciphersuite, enc, pkRm, pkIm,
                   len(pskID), pskID, len(info), info)

  secret = Extract(psk, zz)
  key = Expand(secret, concat("hpke key", context), Nk)
  nonce = Expand(secret, concat("hpke nonce", context), Nn)
  return Context(key, nonce)

Note that the context construction in the KeySchedule procedure is equivalent to serializing a structure of the following form in the TLS presentation syntax:

struct {
    // Mode and algorithms
    uint8 mode;
    uint16 ciphersuite;

    // Public inputs to this key exchange
    opaque enc[Nenc];
    opaque pkR[Npk];
    opaque pkI[Npk];
    opaque pskID<0..2^16-1>;

    // Application-supplied info
    opaque info<0..2^16-1>;
} HPKEContext;

6.2. Encryption to a Public Key

The most basic function of an HPKE scheme is to enable encryption for the holder of a given KEM private key. The SetupBaseI() and SetupBaseR() procedures establish contexts that can be used to encrypt and decrypt, respectively, for a given private key.

The the shared secret produced by the KEM is combined via the KDF with information describing the key exchange, as well as the explicit info parameter provided by the caller.

def SetupBaseI(pkR, info):
  zz, enc = Encap(pkR)
  return enc, KeySchedule(mode_base, pkR, zz, enc, info,
                          default_psk, default_pskID, default_pkIm)

def SetupBaseR(enc, skR, info):
  zz = Decap(enc, skR)
  return KeySchedule(mode_base, pk(skR), zz, enc, info,
                     default_psk, default_pskID, default_pkIm)

6.3. Authentication using a Pre-Shared Key

This variant extends the base mechansism by allowing the recipient to authenticate that the sender possessed a given pre-shared key (PSK). We assume that both parties have been provisioned with both the PSK value psk and another octet string pskID that is used to identify which PSK should be used.

The primary differences from the base case are:

This mechanism is not suitable for use with a low-entropy password as the PSK. A malicious recipient that does not possess the PSK can use decryption of a plaintext as an oracle for performing offline dictionary attacks.

def SetupPSKI(pkR, psk, pskID, info):
  zz, enc = Encap(pkR)
  return enc, KeySchedule(pkR, zz, enc, info,
                          psk, pskId, default_pkIm)

def SetupPSKR(enc, skR, psk, pskID, info):
  zz = Decap(enc, skR)
  return KeySchedule(pk(skR), zz, enc, info,
                     psk, pskId, default_pkIm)

6.4. Authentication using an Asymmetric Key

This variant extends the base mechansism by allowing the recipient to authenticate that the sender possessed a given KEM private key. This assurance is based on the assumption that AuthDecap(enc, skR, pkI) produces the correct shared secret only if the encapsulated value enc was produced by AuthEncap(pkR, skI), where skI is the private key corresponding to pkI. In other words, only two people could have produced this secret, so if the recipient is one, then the sender must be the other.

The primary differences from the base case are:

Obviously, this variant can only be used with a KEM that provides AuthEncap() and AuthDecap() procuedures.

This mechanism authenticates only the key pair of the initiator, not any other identity. If an application wishes to authenticate some other identity for the sender (e.g., an email address or domain name), then this identity should be included in the info parameter to avoid unknown key share attacks.

def SetupAuthI(pkR, skI, info):
  zz, enc = AuthEncap(pkR, skI)
  pkIm = Marshal(pk(skI))
  return enc, KeySchedule(pkR, zz, enc, info,
                          default_psk, default_pskID, pkIm)

def SetupAuthR(enc, skR, pkI, info):
  zz = AuthDecap(enc, skR, pkI)
  pkIm = Marshal(pkI)
  return KeySchedule(pk(skR), zz, enc, info,
                     default_psk, default_pskID, pkIm)

6.5. Authentication using both a PSK and an Asymmetric Key

This mode is a straightforward combination of the PSK and authenticated modes. The PSK is passed through to the key schedule as in the former, and as in the latter, we use the authenticated KEM variants.

def SetupAuthI(pkR, psk, pskID, skI, info):
  zz, enc = AuthEncap(pkR, skI)
  pkIm = Marshal(pk(skI))
  return enc, KeySchedule(pkR, zz, enc, info, psk, pskID, pkIm)

def SetupAuthR(enc, skR, psk, pskID, pkI, info):
  zz = AuthDecap(enc, skR, pkI)
  pkIm = Marshal(pkI)
  return KeySchedule(pk(skR), zz, enc, info, psk, pskID, pkIm)

6.6. Encryption and Decryption

HPKE allows multiple encryption operations to be done based on a given setup transaction. Since the public-key operations involved in setup are typically more expensive than symmetric encryption or decryption, this allows applications to “amortize” the cost of the public-key operations, reducing the overall overhead.

In order to avoid nonce reuse, however, this decryption must be stateful. Each of the setup procedures above produces a context object that stores the required state:

All of these fields except the sequence number are constant. The sequence number is used to provide nonce uniqueness: The nonce used for each encryption or decryption operation is the result of XORing the base nonce with the current sequence number, encoded as a big-endian integer of the same length as the nonce. Implementations MAY use a sequence number that is shorter than the nonce (padding on the left with zero), but MUST return an error if the sequence number overflows.

Each encryption or decryption operation increments the sequence number for the context in use. A given context SHOULD be used either only for encryption or only for decryption.

It is up to the application to ensure that encryptions and decryptions are done in the proper sequence, so that the nonce values used for encryption and decryption line up.

[[ TODO: Check for overflow, a la TLS ]]
def Context.Nonce(seq):
  encSeq = encode_big_endian(seq, len(self.nonce))
  return xor(self.nonce, encSeq)

def Context.Seal(aad, pt):
  ct = Seal(self.key, self.Nonce(self.seq), aad, pt)
  self.seq += 1
  return ct

def Context.Open(aad, ct):
  pt = Open(self.key, self.Nonce(self.seq), aad, ct)
  if pt == OpenError:
    return OpenError
  self.seq += 1
  return pt

7. Ciphersuites

The HPKE variants as presented will function correctly for any combination of primitives that provides the functions described above. In this section, we provide specific instantiations of these primitives for standard groups, including: Curve25519, Curve448 [RFC7748], and the NIST curves P-256 and P-512.

0x0001 DHKEM(P-256) HKDF-SHA256 AES-GCM-128
0x0002 DHKEM(P-256) HKDF-SHA256 ChaCha20Poly1305
0x0003 DHKEM(Curve25519) HKDF-SHA256 AES-GCM-128
0x0004 DHKEM(Curve25519) HKDF-SHA256 ChaCha20Poly1305
0x0005 DHKEM(P-521) HKDF-SHA512 AES-GCM-256
0x0006 DHKEM(P-521) HKDF-SHA512 ChaCha20Poly1305
0x0007 DHKEM(Curve448) HKDF-SHA512 AES-GCM-256
0x0008 DHKEM(Curve448) HKDF-SHA512 ChaCha20Poly1305

For the NIST curves P-256 and P-521, the Marshal function of the DH scheme produces the normal (non-compressed) representation of the public key, according to [SECG]. When these curves are used, the recipient of an HPKE ciphertext MUST validate that the ephemeral public key pkE is on the curve. The relevant validation procedures are defined in [keyagreement]

For the CFRG curves Curve25519 and Curve448, the Marshal function is the identity function, since these curves already use fixed-length octet strings for public keys.

The values Nk and Nn for the AEAD algorithms referenced above are as follows:

AES-GCM-128 16 12
AES-GCM-256 32 12
ChaCha20Poly1305 32 12

8. Security Considerations

[[ TODO ]]

9. IANA Considerations

[[ OPEN ISSUE: Should the above table be in an IANA registry? ]]

10. References

10.1. Normative References

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997.
[RFC5116] McGrew, D., "An Interface and Algorithms for Authenticated Encryption", RFC 5116, DOI 10.17487/RFC5116, January 2008.
[RFC7748] Langley, A., Hamburg, M. and S. Turner, "Elliptic Curves for Security", RFC 7748, DOI 10.17487/RFC7748, January 2016.
[RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017.

10.2. Informative References

[ANSI] "Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry -- Key Agreement and Key Transport Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography", n.d..
[fiveG] "Security architecture and procedures for 5G System", n.d..
[I-D.ietf-mls-protocol] Barnes, R., Millican, J., Omara, E., Cohn-Gordon, K. and R. Robert, "The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Protocol", Internet-Draft draft-ietf-mls-protocol-06, May 2019.
[I-D.ietf-tls-esni] Rescorla, E., Oku, K., Sullivan, N. and C. Wood, "Encrypted Server Name Indication for TLS 1.3", Internet-Draft draft-ietf-tls-esni-03, March 2019.
[IEEE] "IEEE 1363a, Standard Specifications for Public Key Cryptography - Amendment 1 -- Additional Techniques", n.d..
[ISO] "ISO/IEC 18033-2, Information Technology - Security Techniques - Encryption Algorithms - Part 2 -- Asymmetric Ciphers", n.d..
[keyagreement] Barker, E., Chen, L., Roginsky, A. and M. Smid, "Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography", National Institute of Standards and Technology report, DOI 10.6028/nist.sp.800-56ar2, May 2013.
[MAEA10] "A Comparison of the Standardized Versions of ECIES", n.d..
[RFC6637] Jivsov, A., "Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) in OpenPGP", RFC 6637, DOI 10.17487/RFC6637, June 2012.
[S01] "A Proposal for an ISO Standard for Public Key Encryption (verison 2.1)", n.d..
[SECG] "Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group, ver. 2", n.d..

Appendix A. Possible TODOs

The following extensions might be worth specifying:

Authors' Addresses

Richard L. Barnes Cisco EMail:
Karthik Bhargavan Inria EMail: